The CDP method consists of several key steps:
1. Subsets Extraction: All possible subsets of 2 (rarely 3, or 4 ) class labels are extracted from the original dataset. Each subset is used to create a decision tree.
2. Decision Trees Training: For each subset, a decision tree is trained using a particle-swarm-optimization (PSO) environment to discover the most discriminative shapelets for two classes. The decision trees consists of two leaves, representing the subset.
3. Path Collection: During the classification process, each time series traverses through the decision trees, generating a decision paths. Every decision tree has shapelet associate with that tree. If the distance between that shapelet and incoming time series (TS) is less than preliminary found split distance, then TS is classifies to belong to the ‘left’ leave, otherwise it goes to the right leave. In every such case decision path adds either ‘L’ or ‘R’.
4. Pattern Formation: The decision paths are concatenated to form a decision pattern unique to each class. This pattern is then used for classification. For example if 10 decision trees are present then incoming time series (TS) will get ‘L’ or ‘R’ from every such tree. After all, concatenating these path, TS gets specific pattern that looks like: ‘LLLRLLRLLL’.
5. Patterns comparison: Every TS from the training dataset has such pattern. Comparing pattern of the incoming time series with ones collected during training process, brings final decision which is the class of the closest TS from train dataset.